Heritage Park

  • Heritage Park Sign
  • Heritage Park
  • Smaller Park
  • Basketball Courts
  • Volleyball Courts
  • Gazebo

1S325 Ardmore Ave.
Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181

Open Daily Sunrise-10:00pm

Beautiful Heritage Park is located at 1S325 Ardmore Ave., Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181. Heritage Park can be reserved for company picnics, family gatherings, and social events. 

The amenities of Heritage Park include:

  • Multi-level playground
  • Net climber
  • Full-court basketball court
  • Two half-court basketball courts
  • Two sand volleyball courts
  • Two tennis courts
  • Gazebo
  • Walking trail
  • Fitness stations
  • Native garden
  • Green space
Heritage Park Rentals
Heritage Park Rental Rates Resident Non-Resident Corporate Non-Profit
Gazebo (5 hour min.) $250 $315 $400 $250
Gazebo Additional Hour $50 $65 $80 $50
Basketball Courts, Tennis Courts or Sand Volleyball Courts (rate per hour) $50 $80 $92 $50